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Happiness is a state of activity." 



Overcome obstacles, insecurities, and fears.


Exploration of patterns, possibilities, and options.

Dedicated time, support, motivation, and encouragement 


Clarity about what you want, why you want it, and how to get it.


Strategies and techniques that facilitate your continued happiness.


Benefits of Coaching

To take the first steps on your journey to happiness, with a personalized plan for success, click here.

Clarity about what you want, why you want it, and how to get it

Many of us started out on our path to personal and professional success with a specific goal in mind. We knew where we were going, and we thought we knew how to get there. Somewhere along the way, we may have taken a wrong turn or got sidetracked by one of life's many distractions. Personal and Professional Coaching will help you to evaluate your current position, and determine how to get back on track by setting realistic goals, and thinking creatively to achieve them. 


Left to our own devices, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the task of sorting out our lives. Coaching works to eliminate stress and create clarity, while giving you the invaluable benefit of having someone on your side who cares. 


Exploration of patterns, possibilities, and options

To ensure that you stay on track, your Coach will work with you to explore and examine patters that have lead to your current state. By addressing these patterns and identifying behaviors that didn't work in the past, you will be better prepared to walk boldly into your future.


In order to achieve your goals, you have to take action, but which actions are the right fit for your life? Your Coach will introduce you to the tools that will help you discover options that you may not have considered. A healthy and effective relationship with your Coach will ensure that your options are aligned with your beliefs and values, while bringing balance to your life. 


Strategies and techniques that facilitate your continued happiness

Sometimes, when we've gotten used to experiencing hardships, failures, or disappointment, when something good comes along, we doubt its permanence and fear that everything will return to a subpar state. Coaching reveals your true potential, and teaches the tools you need to preserve the progress you will make. Your Coach will make sure that you are 100% committed to achieving your goals and creating a positive, sustainable future. 


Coaching will include challenging and inciteful questions designed to help you decide which path is right for you, then teach you feasible strategies that support your actions. 


Overcome obstacles, insecurities, and fears.

We all have doubts and fears about our abilities. We tell ourselves what we cannot do, and what is not possible; these "limiting beliefs" hinder our progress. Limiting beliefs decrease confidence, self-esteem, and even self-worth. Happiness cannot exist in a negative environment. 


Coaching forces you to dispell negative self-thoughts and limiting beliefs. You will learn that doubting yourself is the biggest obstacle to your success. Your Coach will help you to focus on positive thinking support you as you overcome your fears and sieze the happiness that belongs to you. When you believe in yourself, your possibilities are endless. 


Dedicated time, support, motivation, and encouragement 

How great would it be to have someone in your corner; cheering for you; supporting you; 100% dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.


When we talk to our friends about our fears and challenges, we often receive lackluster feedback that doesn't help us find solutions or move forward. If you are tired of being ignored, overlooked, or unsupported, it is time to seek the help of a qualified Personal or Professional Coach who cares! Your coach will motivate and encourage you, while enabling you to motivate and encourage yourself. Coaching is an investment in your long-term happiness and success. If you are ready to explore your hidden potential and live your best life, contact us today!  

Personal and Professional Coaching is an investment in yourself. It will benefit your entire life. Coaching is unique and individualized. The Coach and the Client will work together to create a personalized plan; which will be customized to meet the needs, goals, and desires of the Client. 


The mission of Destination:Happiness, is to help each person live their best life. We are setting out on the path to self-awareness,

self-confidence, and self-improvement. Happiness is the destination, but as we learn and grow along the way, we learn that "THE JOURNEY IS THE DESTINATION."



The Benefits You Will Experience from Coaching Include: 

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